Aug 27, 2018
Aug 22, 2018
In this episode we talk with Ausenco CEO Zimi Meka on resilience, honesty and the importance of good people.
Full details at
Zimi Meka is one of the founding directors of Ausenco Limited and was appointed as Chief Executive Officer / Managing Director in 1999. Zimi’s background...
Aug 19, 2018
In this episode, I answer a question from a subscriber. How do I
overcome imposter syndrome?
Over the next three minisodes we’ll explore some powerful ways to
beat imposter syndrome so you feel comfortable in your own skin and
clear in your mind.
Assuming you do have most of the skills necessary for the
Aug 15, 2018
Today we joined by founder and CEO of the McLellan Marketing Group, Drew McLellan.
He also owns and runs the Agency Management Institute (AMI), which is a consultancy for small to medium sized agencies that has been helping agency owners grow their agencies since the early 90s.
We talk about:
Aug 12, 2018
In this episode I outline a method of turning risk completely on its head that I developed which gets killer outcomes for everyone involved.
When most of us here the word Risk Management Plan we start thinking red tape, no more freedom and a group of expensive auditors at your door to analyse your business inside...