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The Inner Chief

Mar 29, 2023

“I can't imagine coaching without these three strategies in my toolkit because it would be nearly impossible to deal hope.”


In today’s minisode, we are going to talk about how to prepare to run performance reviews. These are your one-to-one coaching sessions when you are assessing talent, or when you're about to...

Mar 23, 2023

“For anyone in a position that requires responsibility and decision-making, if you are un-overwhelm-able, you bring an enormous amount to the table.”

In this episode of The Inner Chief podcast, we speak to Nicho Plowman, Co-Founder of the world’s number 1 meditation app, Insight Timer, on beating overwhelm and...

Mar 18, 2023

“One of the things that can make it a dream job is that if your suck factor is 20% or less, sweet spot baby!”

In this Best of Series episode, we hear from speaker and author, Mitch Matthews of Dream, Think, Do, on bringing science to dreaming, and igniting your career.

🎧👉  👂


Mar 7, 2023

“We've seen a societal shift on inclusivity and parenting and there's no magic bullet. Every family is quite different and unique.”

In this episode of The Inner Chief podcast, we speak to Grainne O'Loughlin, CEO of Karitane, on parenting for executives and the first 2000 days of a child's development, and the...

Mar 1, 2023

“So many times we’re waiting for someone to save us. We’re not taking that ownership. No one’s coming.”

In today’s episode we are going to turn the tables! That’s right, our Head of Production, Rob Flude, is going to interview me.

Chiefs, we have recorded 272 episodes and it has been all me. I’ve either...